This was a great flash...
The animation was superior compared to the other Castle animations.
Overall great style, quality, and story.
This was a great flash...
The animation was superior compared to the other Castle animations.
Overall great style, quality, and story.
Funny, just not as good as others.
This one was very funny and I liked as much as the others.
The animation was great and the voices were fabulous.
The only problem I found was the file size...
I can tell this wasn't made in flash, or at least most of it, because an animation of this length and quality could be a maxium of 5 megabytes... not 17.
Overall, the animation was good.
Damn Great.
Nice smooth animation
Good humor.
Loved this.
Short... but good.
If you continued this idea a little further then this could turn out great.
Greastedt Thing Ever....
The suspense, the action, the SEX!!!
*takes a bow*
You kinda have no room to talk...
This was kinda ironic, becuase you also, used one color for most of the flash, used the text tool most of the time, not really any thing special. (You could have put a motion tween or something).
There wasn't really anything that defines this as not a "noob" flash.
Try harder please.
It was the entire point though, and motion tweening is for a second stage noob lol. But yes, next time i will try harder.
What are you doing here?!?
Age 14
Middle School
Joined on 1/5/08