this maze game is actually RE-playable because you put in somthiing that no other maze game has... GRAVITY!!!
this maze game is actually RE-playable because you put in somthiing that no other maze game has... GRAVITY!!!
the idea isn't original BUT... the gameplay and how you play are very original
i liked it
one level (7 or 8?) that when you click play it doesn't even start you in the level
it's the one that says "follow me" in cursive
i liked it mostly because it was addicting
hey busterguts... Mastercheif isn't newgrounds
i dont know why you said this one was worse compared to the second.
i belive that this is a fine example of that even if the graphics suck the flash can still be good.
Thanks for your support man.
It may still be good for a laugh or two I suppose.
But it's almost funny just because of how poor it is.
From my own PoV as an animator, seeing such old work compared to newer work, it is only natural that I say it is worse. But I love being able to so thoroughly measure how I have improved :D
this is awesomer than me!
What are you doing here?!?
Age 14
Middle School
Joined on 1/5/08